Wishing You Well with Maria Patrick

Celebrating NSV's - Non Scale Victories!

Season 4 Episode 1

SEASON 4, EPISODE 1: New Season! New inspiration! This week we are talking about NSV's - Non Scale Victories. This means taking the focus off of the number on our scale and taking notice of the many ways that living a healthier and better life is bringing many victories into our lives. 

#nonscalevictories #nsv  #healthyeating #exercise #feelingbetter #lookingbetter #droptheweight #exercise #weightloss #increasedenergy #betterfocus #balancedemotions #bettersleep #painreduction  #lifechanging #healthysnacks #hydration #drinkmorewater #dailyexercise #healthgoals #wellness #smallchanges #inspiration #nutrition #motivation #lifechanging #livingwell #feelingbetter #longevity 

Have an idea for a future episode? Is there a Health Project you would like me to research and report on? Let me know! 

Reach out with questions or comments.

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Thanks for tuning in! I am a Certified Health Coach and Qi Gong Instructor. I specialize in helping people to improve their health through nutrition, movement and lifestyle changes. I would appreciate it if you would please share my podcast with your family & friends & leave a rating and review on your Podcast platform or if you're on YouTube - please follow, subscribe & turn on your notifications.

For support with your health, you can reach me via
email at CoreFourHC@gmail.com. If you have a health issue that you would like to see addressed in a future episode, please let me know.

For additional info, go to my website, join me for QiGong classes live on Zoom. or on my YouTube Channel "Qi Gong with Maria"

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