Wishing You Well with Maria Patrick
The "Wishing You Well" podcast is hosted by Maria Patrick, a Certified Health Coach and Qi Gong Instructor who specializes in helping people find balance in their lives through nutrition, movements and lifestyle changes. This is a chance to connect and discuss health and wellness topics and inspiration.
For Maria's YouTube channel, go to "Qi Gong with Maria" - https://www.youtube.com/@qigongwithmaria.
For daily, weekday. live classes with Maria on Zoom, go to www.QiGongWithMaria.com
For Maria's support with nutrition counseling and health coaching, go to www.CoreFourHealthCoaching.com
To support this Podcast (and get a shout-out in a future episode) go to the WISHING YOU WELL PODCAST WEBSITE
Wishing You Well with Maria Patrick
Are You a Sassy Cow? The Benefits of CLASSICAL MUSIC!
SEASON 4, EPISODE 4: Have you heard of the SASSY COWS? A Sassy Cow is a Happy Cow and apparently a happy cow produces the highest quality milk. One of the reasons the cows are so sassy and happy is that they listen to hours of classical music every day. Tune in to hear the many health benefits of doing the same thing as the Sassy Cows. And if you are ever in South Bend, Indiana, be sure to check out Murphy's Ice Cream on Angela Boulevard, right across the street from the University of Notre Dame.
#sassycows #happycows #classicalmusic #mozarteffect #classicalmusictherapy #icecream #dairyfarm #organicfarming #healthbenefits #naturalhealing #lowerstress #improvesleep #smarter #calm #painreduction #improvememory
Have an idea for a future episode? Is there a Health Project you would like me to research and report on? Let me know!
Reach out with questions or comments.
Thanks for tuning in! I am a Certified Health Coach and Qi Gong Instructor. I specialize in helping people to improve their health through nutrition, movement and lifestyle changes. I would appreciate it if you would please share my podcast with your family & friends & leave a rating and review on your Podcast platform or if you're on YouTube - please follow, subscribe & turn on your notifications.
For support with your health, you can reach me via email at CoreFourHC@gmail.com. If you have a health issue that you would like to see addressed in a future episode, please let me know.
For additional info, go to my website, join me for QiGong classes live on Zoom. or on my YouTube Channel "Qi Gong with Maria"
If you would like to support this Podcast & get a shout out in a future episode go to the ...